Customs Regulations, Free Trade Agreements and Shipping Logistics with Mexico

Customs Compliance and Regulations Mexico
Trade After NAFTA

The passage of NAFTA in 1994 dramatically increased trade between the three NAFTA nations, Mexico, U.S. and Canada. In 2008 the U.S. exported $152 billion worth of goods to Mexico and imported $216 billion worth of products from Mexico. NAFTA gradually removed restrictions and reduced tariffs for components and products from 1994 to 2008.

Mexico’s maquiladora program makes it possible for companies to bring in components and materials duty-free, which can in turn be exported for sale to the U.S. and other countries. Aduana ("Customs") is the Mexican governmental agency charged with the responsibility of controlling importations and exportations to and from Mexico. NAFTA requires that manufacturing companies closely track all shipments and comply with customs regulations. Mexico and the U.S adhere to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule to describe all goods for duty, quota, and statistical purposes. The NAFTA Agreement requires that the exporter of the U.S. product must complete a certificate of origin to qualify for the reduction or exemption of tariffs.

Customs Compliance Services

NAPS ensures your company’s U.S. and Mexico customs compliance. Mexico requirements are met through an experienced 12 person staff at the NAPS Mexican customs department that interfaces with Aduana, Mexican customs brokers, logistics, as well as freight companies. North American Production Sharing’s U.S. Customs Department works closely with clients to make sure all U.S. Customs requirements are met, including accurate Certificates of Origin, complying with Importer of Record responsibilities, presenting Reconciliation reports, and facilitating interfaces with the U.S. Customs Department.